The above picture was the view of a room addition at a home in Fort Worth Texas. The picture is taken with a regular camera and next with a thermal imaging camera.
The second picture was taken with a FLIR E6 thermal imaging camera. The red arrows point to an area of ceiling indicating cooler temperatures noted by the dark blue area running through the middle of the ceiling. This led to a discovery of further problems in the attic area above the room addition.
There were multiple roof braces scabbed to existing roof rafters. The braces are required to be cut to fit and strategically placed to transfer and support the load of the roof structure. This repair could be expensive for the buyer.
The infrared camera FLIR E6 indicated loss of insulating efficiency in various locations.
The numbers at the side of the infrared pictures indicate the camera readings for high and low temperatures. In the infrared pictures, the combination of white/red is and indication of loss of insulating efficiency.